Friday, May 8, 2020

Practical Tips for Online Networking -

Network with classmatesIf you are pursuing a masters degree or you’re enrolled in another advanced degree program, don’t neglect the opportunity to network with your classmates through social and professional networking sites. They may have information about openings that are ideal for your skill set, or they may be able to put you in contact with individuals in the companies where they are working.Even if you are taking online classes, you may still be able to network with your classmates. Join online discussions related to your coursework to begin building these professional connections. Add classmates to your networks on the various sites you participate in. Do whatever you can to connect with these professionals, even if you never meet in person. They connection you have through course work that may prove to be invaluable in the future.View network contacts as peopleOne of the fastest ways to alienate your network is to view the people in the network as a tool to an end, rath er than as people. Social Edge recommends building quality relationships online with key players. Be willing to give a little to those in your network, and you can receive benefits in return. At some point, these relationships can begin to benefit you by bringing work your way, provided you have been providing a benefit to them.Your time is valuable, and you need to be certain that you are making the most out of your time online while looking for a job. Sending resumes, applying to ads and crafting cover letters are all important, but building a successful set of online networks can lead to opportunities you didn’t even know were out there. Spend a few minutes each day tending to them, and you will reap great benefits.

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