Monday, March 16, 2020

Made in the USA makes a comeback

Made in the USA makes a comebackWhen American companies started outsourcing manufacturing jobs overseas, there was a huge economic impact that many feared would drag the American economy down. According to MarketWatch, there were 150,000 American manufacturing jobs sent overseas in 2003, which brought the grand total of jobs lost to anywhere between three and four million. But in 2014, only 50,000 American jobs were sent overseas and that has given many American business analysts reason to think that American manufacturing is gaining momentum. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) But it isnt just the drastic drop in outsourced manufacturing jobs that is getting Americans excited. In 2014, MarketWatch estimates that nearly 60,000 manufacturing jobs were brought back to the United States in a trend being called reshoring. The net gain of 10,000 jobs in 2014 is giving many American manufacturers reasons to believe that the Made in the USA label is going to start showing up on a lot more products.Why Is Reshoring Happening?When American companies started to outsource their manufacturing needs to countries such as China and India, the wages in those countries were extremely low. As the American companies pump more money into those growing economies, wages are going up and the increased costs involved with shipping and tariffs are combining to make it much cheaper to make products in the United States.Forbes Magazine also suggests that the instability in the economy over the past few years has made American companies hesitant to invest in the large amounts of inventory required to make outsourcing profitable. These days, American companies want to be able to buy only what they need and they also want to be able to make changes to their products to fit consumer trends. By making their products in the United States, these companies can cut down on the amount of inventory they need to invest in and make changes to their products in a cost-efficient manner.American Pride Is Kicking InThere has always been a large contingency of the American public that prefers to buy products that are made in America and, according to Reshoring Initiative, the lure of profits tied to selling products made in America is becoming very strong with American and foreign companies. Even foreign manufacturers are building plants and hiring more workers to build products in the United States, which could mean a weitergabe of Made in the USA around the world.What Does The Future Hold?One of the biggest proponents of the reshoring movement is Wal-Mart. Since Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world, it can often dictate the future of the manufacturing industry. According to the MarketWatch article, Wal-Mart plans to invest more than $250 billion additional dollars in products made in America. While most observers are not expecting all three to four million outsourced jobs to come back in the immediate future, then trends we are seeing indicate that manufacturing could be coming back to the United States in a very big way.When economics team up with patriotism, you get a resurgence in an American industry that many thought was dying. With reshoring creating a net increase in the number of manufacturing jobs being created in the United States each year, it is starting to look like American ingenuity and hard work are being rewarded.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Explain Gaps in Your Employment Without Oversharing

How to Explain Gaps in Your Employment Without Oversharing 6 Simple Tips to Master Your Employment Gap ExplanationWhen it comes to explaining an employment gap, we often say too much or too little heres how to provide just the right amount of details.You took some time away from your career, and thats OK. Maybe you tended to a sick family member, catered to your kids, pursued another degree, or traveled the world. Whatever it might have been, youre now ready to jump back into the workforce.Not so fast.If yourresume reveals any gaps in employment, expect hiring managers to inquire.Of course, what seems like a simple question will be paired with a simple answer right? You know why you took that time away from your career. But can you clearly explain your decision and how it worked to your advantage? After all, youre vying for a job against candidates who might boast more recent experience.Instead of getting caught in a bind of stress and fumbling your words (weve all been there), ent er your interview prepared to master your employment gap explanation.Here are six tips to help you overcome the inevitable What have you been up to? interview question.1. Dont overshareIf not properly prepared, a moment of panic could lead to you to divulging way too much information.Does someone whos been sitting behind a desk for 10 years straight, want to hear every detail of your six-month adventure through Asia? Does he or she need to know how you afforded it? Or that a brutal breakup sparked it? Probably not.Nor does the hiring manager want to know the nitty-gritty details of the diapers youve changed or how awful little Tim is before bedtime.If youve faced challenges and were forced to take a gap in employment due to tragedy or hardship, be careful here too.Sometimes people especially mere strangers dont know how to respond when it comes to grief, so spare them.And you certainly dont want to break down in tears during your interview. Try to keep those details to yourself o r between you and your therapist.2. Offer an explanationYou definitely dont want toovershare,but dont cloak yourself in mystery, either.Instead, find the right balance. Explain you took time off to spend with your kids, needed to decompress after several high-presaya years in your field, or that you faced little choice and owed it to your mom to help her out. Theres no shame in that.By explaining why you elected to call it quits for a while (without oversharing), a hiring manager will likely feel more comfortable knowing what happened and that you didnt just run away.Important note Remember theres a difference between explaining and justifying. Dont get deckenfries feeling like you have to justify why you stepped away from your career. Youre not out to prove anything.3. Highlight new skillsUnfortunately, changing a diaper in under a minute doesnt count as a new skill set (though that is a commendable feat).Be sure to mention any volunteer work, classes, certifications, or even conf erences you attended during your employment gap. If none of those options are relevant, know you probably picked up a new soft skill.Generalsoft skillsinclude communication, adaptability, problem solving, and critical observation. Remember toshow, not tell. Offer concrete examples and situations that show how you learned to better communicate or how you became more comfortable adapting to unexpected situations.Being able to show youve grown during your employment gap is respectable, so dont forget to highlight it.RelatedTop Transferable Job Skills Employers Look for in Candidates4. Emphasize why nows the timeIf you stepped away from your career without a concise timeline tied to your reasoning, explain why youre choosing to re-enter the workforce now instead of, say, a year from now.Again, be concise and dont feel like you have to justify your decision. Simply let the hiring manager know that youve done what you needed to do during your time off and now youre ready and raring to get back to work.5. Be confidentYou need to be 100 percent confident in yourself and your employment gap explanation. If you show uncertainty in your decision, the hiring manager might feel a little unsure, too.Dont downplay what youve been up to, either. Youonlycared for your sick mother? Thats a heavy task. Youonlytook care of your two kids? Thats no easy feat. Youonlywent back to school for your masters degree? Thats a big deal. Own your decision and explain it clearly and confidently.6. Move onAt this point, youre probably wondering how long this explanation is going to last.Theres no reason to dwell on your employment gap. Sure, its right there on your resume, so prepare to address it, but dont feel as though you need to acknowledge it for more than a minute or two. Again, offer an explanation, highlight the positive outcomes of your decision, and explain why youre ready to strike up your career again. Dont overshare and dont spend time trying to justify your decision.Chances are, the timespan of your employment gap is a lot shorter than the amount of experience you actually have, so theres no need to let this brief moment of time define you or what youre capable of bringing to a company. Go ahead and move onto your previous experience and all those awesome accomplishments youve already banked.Now that you know how to explain gaps in employment during the interview process, make sure youre presenting it effectively on your resume withthese six tips.Click on the following link for moreinterview advice.Want help acing your next interview? Learn more about our sister site,TopInterview.Recommended ReadingHow to Handle Gaps in Your Employment History5 Steps for Successfully Re-Entering the Workplace5 Tips to Address Caregiving on Your ResumeRelated Articles

Friday, March 6, 2020

New Ideas Into Write! Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into Write Never Before Revealed Write about what it is that youre excited about, because the ideal writing tends to reveal a bit of yourself anyway. A superb strategy for making a strong thesis is to prove that the topic is controversial. If you would like to be seen, you probably need to file your work to a publication. The free version is good. The One Thing to Do for Write Most people today believe that there has to be some type of trick to it. Youre searching for keywords that a whole lot of people are searching for, but not ones that absolutely everybody is writing about. Just keep in mind that you will need to do what works for you You must be the goofy awkward guy that everybody falls in love with. It is possible to either scroll down or plektrum a URL to a particular topic. You are able to find one which you want, click the small hyperlink icon, and grab the GIF connection. A follow-up email isnt a cold email. You may be taken aback at how frequentl y students obtain their professors name wrong. What You Should Do to Find Out About Write Before Youre Left Behind The world wide web is full of some typical knowledge information that folks swear by. When thinking of a short article, think about something that numerous individuals search for in searches. Everyone would like to understand how they can receive their articles noticed in the endless expanse thats the web. Youre able to write about whatever you want, but do make sure its a superior article. The Truth About Write You want to compose the data puddle out to S3 for straightforward access. Spark will optimize the sortiment of partitions dependent on the range of clusters as soon as the data is read. Importing your content is remarkably straightforward. The Good, the Bad and Write The repartition method may be used to improve the range of partitions also. If youre employing a keyword tool, Id recommend that you wish to remain in the center of the street. It i s possible to also make individual bequests of particular parts of property or cash amounts to individuals besides your named heirs. Writers dont look a particular way. Readers have to be able to realize that your paper has one principal point. They will be interested in reading the rest of the essay to see how you support your point. Your reader wont be in a position to distinguish the point of the statement, and will most likely quit reading.