Saturday, December 28, 2019

8 Signs Job-Related Stress Is Hurting Your Health

8 Signs Job-Related Stress Is Hurting Your Health8 Signs Job-Related Stress Is Hurting Your HealthYour to-do list is always 12 pages long. Little tasks slowly pile up each day and overwhelm you. Big tasks have you constantly wondering where to begin. Whatever the case might be, when your stress level at work rises too high, it can boil over and impact your health. Here are eight signs, some of which might be unexpected, that stress is seriously affecting your body.1. Youre in constant painThe link between physical pain and stress has been often examined. Studieshave shown that when high levels of the stress hormone cortisol werefound in participants, they reported increased levels of pain. Stress and pain have many physiological overlaps, so if youve been experiencing chronic physical pain, your frazzled mental state may be a contributing factor.2. Youre often sickIn addition to causing physical pain, experiencingelevated stress levelscan lead to a decrease inimmune system effectiven ess. Researchers in onestudyinjected adults with the flu vaccine and discovered that those who were often stressed suffered a weakened immune response. Anotherstudyfollowed 235 adults for six months and found that those who were categorized as being high-stress experienced 70 percent mora respiratory infections than those who were deemed low-stress.3. Your appetite is changingIf youve ever found yourself eating your feelings while experiencing levels of stress, you arent alone. One possible effect of having excess cortisol in the body is experiencing high levels of hunger. During periods of stress, 62 percent of college students reported an increase in appetite while 38 percent reported experienced a decrease. Weight gain and weight loss are both potential signifiers that your stress levels are above average.4. Youre constantly thirstyWhen youre under stress, your adrenal glands can go into overdrive and cause stress hormones to flood your body. Certain compounds can deplete your el ectrolyte and fluid levels.5. Youre losing your hairThere arethree waysthat losing your hair could be stress-induced telogen effluvium, trichotillomania, and alopecia areata. In telogen effluvium, stress causes your hair follicles to go dormant, which may cause hair to fall out on its own while you comb or brush it. Trichotillomania is the irresistible urge to cope with stress and other negative feelings by pulling your own hair out, and alopecia areata occurs when the bodys stress hormones lead the immune system to attack hair follicles.6. Your memory is worseningAstudyevaluated the impact of chronic stress on memory primarily by having male rodents perform spatial navigation tasks. The tests revealed that chronic stress impairs spatialmemory, which makes you mora likely to forget things like where you put your wallet in the morning.7. Youre nauseatedIf youre experiencing a persistent knot in your stomach or feel like you have to throw-up, stress may be to blame.Stresscan impact di gestion in many ways because your nervous system starts going haywire.8. Making decisions is more difficultThough it may be surprising to learn, beingstressed outcan make you focus on the upside of situations. While this may initially sound like a good thing, it can make decision making more difficult because the stressed brain has to choose between positive upsides without fulling taking consequences into consideration.On a final note, while having a lot on your plate can sometimes feel necessary, its important to take time for yourself and take necessary measures toreduce and prevent stressto the best of your ability. Yourmind and your bodywill thank you.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Survey 62% of working Americans did not get a raise this year

Survey 62% of working Americans did not get a raise this yearSurvey 62% of working Americans did not get a raise this yearRaises are on the run. 6 in 10 employed Americans reported no pay raise or higher-paying job in the last year up from last year, when 5 in 10 reported the same, according to a new survey from, this wont spur the overwhelming majority to seek new work only 25% reported that they plan to look for a new job in the New Year.Those whomore likely to go after a new job were Millennials, at 37%.Lower-income households are more likely to look for work than higher income households.Those that were least likely to receive a raise or a higher-paying job were low-income households (76%) and Baby Boomers (79%).Those that received a pay raise came in at 27%.Respondents said that when they did last receive a raise, 37% received a performance-based raise, 29% received a promotion or responsibility-based raise, and 27% said they received a cost of living-based ra ise.What you can do to be proactive about getting a raise can depend on your age. Greg McBride, the chief financial analyst for, says workers need to change jobs to make more especially younger ones. Career advancement often involves a willingness to change jobs, particularly in the early career years, he said. Yet only one-third of all Millennials intend to capitalize on this tight labor market and look for a new job in the next 12 months.As for Baby Boomers, a career switch might not be the solution, but they need to re-skill, according to McBride. They should continue to grow and acquire more skill, stay on top of technology, and be forward thinkers.There are other ways to try for a raise as well by being more proactive at workand anticipating your companys needs, and bymaking your case in your year-end performance review.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Consulting Resume (undergraduate)

Consulting Resume (undergraduate)Consulting Resume (undergraduate)CELINA M. KOCHckochstate.edu777 N. Mills Lane, Upstate, NY 14120516-555-1974OBJECTIVETo obtain a position in management consulting that will leverage my operations research and economic skills.EDUCATIONState University, Upstate, NYSchool of Operations Research and Industrial EngineeringCandidate for Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Operations Research, May 2000GPA 3.2/4.0 (3.6 in major)DISTINCTIONDeans List, State University Women in Engineering Scholarship, Texas Instruments Engineering Scholarship, National Science Foundation Research GrantCOURSESMicroeconomics grenzberschreitend Economics Economic Analysis of Engineering Systems Financial Management and Accounting Statistics Optimization Engineering ManagementEXPERIENCEResearch Associate - Summer 2002Ivy University, Newark, NJDepartment of Civil Engineering and Operations ResearchUsed linear programming methods to model problems in international infrastruc ture engineering Generated and tested original hypothesis regarding toll-road development. Presented results to senior research scientistsStaff Technologist - Summer 2001Ring Communications Research, Bellville, NJBroadband Data OperationsAnalyzed Inter-Switching System Interface to determine causes and effects of packet routing issuesDeveloped optimization algorithm for packet routing system. Worked with senior management to devise implementation planSummer Intern, Operations Research - Summer 2000Serious Instruments, Dallas, TXDefense Systems and Electronics GroupAssisted in implementation of new statistical process control softwareCreated statistical procedure to test operating temperature of electronic defense systems. Collected and analyzed data using Excel macros. Presented findings to middle and senior managersSKILLSKnowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and WordExperienced in research methods and presentationOTHERAvid outdoor rock climberProficient in German and RussianREF ERENCESAvailable upon request

Monday, December 9, 2019

Lead Synonym Resume Reviews & Tips

Lead Synonym Resume Reviews & Tips The Internet is an excellent supply of new words to utilize in your career documents. There are a great number of forums all around the web. You would like to locate ones that rank high on Google and other web search engines, though there are many article sites on the internet. There are 3 segments of any write-up. The illustration will help make certain that you compose a resume of your own that will decidedly be correct and in the proper format. Youre an interesting individual. The words you decide to utilize in your resume are a central way to demonstrate your strengths. Dont be scared to reach out to them with any questions you might have about the practice of searching for work Your resume will take some time, but its worth it Amazing resumes serve several functions at exactly the same moment. Being aware of what words to use to demonstrate leadership should begin from carefully reading the work description, said Frana. Illustra ting concrete examples of the number of men and women youve leuchtdiode and how big the range of a project is with regard to budget, for instance, are compelling approaches to share with a hiring manager your leadership abilities. Think outside the box with regard to how you approach problem-solving and challenges on the job. Simply take the chance to liven things up a little. The cover letter isnt no doubt that the reflection of a persons personal sincerity in respect to your intention to this organization that you would like to be a part of. Your cover letter is your capacity to reveal your prospective employer how you are able to be an asset to their company. An organization letter is simply really a primary kind of communicating from the industry world. Therefore, its excessively crucial that you compose a business letter with abundant maintenance and thought. Leadership isnt a position or title, its action and example. Ahead of generating your targets, you want to creat e your advertising and advertising aims. Lead is likewise the name of a specific kind of metal. Flexibility, as there is quite a few unique templates open so that you might select whichever one suits your demands most useful. There are quite a lot of tools that may help your resume be mora stimulating. Being that there are many kinds of templates, therefore its imperative that you choose one appropriate for the purpose you want it for. You also are aware there are a lot of future milestones that include things like complex and risky capabilities. You may be more prone to satisfy your marketing and advertising ambitions if you take away friction. Accelerating your work search is easy with the ideal tools. Compounds of lead also have been observed in Egyptian pottery glazes. Other lead compounds continue to be utilized in some paint pigments, together with matches and fireworks. The Importance of Lead Synonym Resume Your Restart ought to be formatted in a simple, expert metho d. Resumes start to look and seem the specific same to them. Its difficult to find the one that you want. For that reason, its more convenient. Cornell University provides a 2-week on-line leadership class. Let Your references know they might be accomplished. Youre also very likely to need to comprehend how to pick and request references. Pick references which could be legitimate.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The One Thing to Do for Strengths for Resume

The One Thing to Do for Strengths for Resume The more you are able to quantify your qualifications, the better your odds of being selected to interview. The ability to have a certain degree of responsibility is essential for most jobs. If youre an introvert and are searching for a job, understanding your very own personal strengths and having the capability to convert them into resume-ready skills which will help you land the position you would like is vital. While you would like to emphasize strengths that are essential for the job, you wish to mention weaknesses that arent related to the position.Doing this, you may also recognize some weaknesses. You are going to be instantly directed to internet newsletters (normally at no charge) and be in a position to see whether you have the essential skills to accomplish career advancement. It may be helpful to pinpoint core strengths. The vital strengths on the first day of the resume are the places that Steve wants the reader to co ncentrate on since they review his experience. Ruthless Strengths for Resume Strategies Exploited Organizing and conducting meetings for project managers situated at unique websites and updating them about different projects taken up by the business and providing information concerning the new programs implemented. Employers will also wish to realize that you can effectively engage with people. Even if not, they leise want to see that you are the type of person who can progress in their company and motivate others. In reality, on average an employer will examine your resume for as much as 30 seconds before choosing to read on. Take a look at the free Ultimate Guide to the great Resume for everything you have to know, including templates There are a couple different varieties of skill sections and formatting options which you should think about when crafting your resume. A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed on top of a resume. There are various sections youre expected to include on the resume youre working on for your job application.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Preparing for the Army General Orders and at Boot Camp

Preparing for the Army General Orders and at Boot CampPreparing for the Army General Orders and at Boot CampThere are many things you should study and do prior to attending Army Basic Training. For starters, work out Get physical by zulaufning, doing calisthenics, lifting weights, and wearing a backpack and walking at a fast pace to prepare for what you will experience throughout training. A training program should be a progressive regimen that allows a recruit to build a foundation of fitness so they can handle the military running, rucking, and calisthenics that Army Basic Training provides. It is recommended to build up to training 4-5 days a week at least, preferably 5-6 days a week mixing in a variety of your future training. For instance here is a sample running program for beginners - those who do not currently run or need to lose weight Walking Builds Into zulaufning (For Beginners to Running) Week 1Walk 30 minutes / stretching entire body daily (monitor weight loss*)Week 2Run 1 minute / Walk 1-2 minutes for 30 minutes (or use non-impact cardio options)Week 3Run 1 minute / Walk 1 minute for 30 minutes (listen to your body as injuries occur this week**)Week 4Run 130 / Walk 130 Run 200 / Walk 1 minute for 30-40 minutesWeek 5Run 230 / Walk 100 Run 200 / Walk 30 seconds for 30-40 minutesWeek 6Run 3 minutes / Walk 130 for 45 minutesWeek 7Run 1 mile / try non-stop / walk 1 mile fastWeek 8Run/walk combo 2.5 miles (from weeks 8-10 try to run as much as you can)Week 9Run/walk combo 2.75 milesWeek 10Run/walk combo 3 miles Note If you are currently running, this workout will be too easy and you should progress further and faster to be able to ace the 2 mile timed run event as the rucking at Basic Training. Basic Training Is Not Just Physical Second, you need to study a variety of things such as The Soldiers Creed,Army General Orders of the Sentry,Code of Conduct, Army officer, and enlisted ranks, also the Army Core Values. If you can know these prior to B asic Training, you will have a little bit of time to focus on other things like cleaning the barracks, folding laundry, and learning new skills, while those who are unprepared work to memorize the above. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner.I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief. The first three will be what you will be required to know on Day 1 of Basic Training. The good news is that the Army only has THREE General Orders. The Navy and Marine Corps have eleven General Orders of the Sentry. However, when you are enduring Basic Training, you will be asked these three General Orders throughout training under increasing pressure from your instructors. Below are some mora tips to surviving Army Basic Training Heres How Start getting into shape before y ou leave. Boot camp is physically intensive. Work especially on running and pushups.If you know someone whos been in the military, ask him/her to teach you some simple marching and facing movements.Memorize your particular services rank structure (both officer and enlisted) before you leave.Inform your family and friends that its very important that they write often. Boot camp can be very lonely.Practice making your bed with hospital corners.Dont arrive standing out in the crowd. Cut your hair short, and wear conservative clothes. You dont want the D.I.s to remember you. Bring ONLY what is on the list. Anything extra will be confiscated and will give the D.I. an excuse to chew you out.Go in with the right attitude. Remember, EVERYONE messes up in boot camp, and EVERYONE gets chewed out. The real military wont be this way.Never, ever, make excuses.Do exactly what youre told to do, when youre told to do it, and how youre told to do it. Dont be inventive.When speaking to a D.I., always stand at rigid attention, eyes locked forward.Dont volunteer. Youre much better off in boot camp if the D.I. hardly remembers your name. Those who are remembered often get special attention. If youre on time, then youre late. Always be where youre supposed to be five minutes early. Tips Remember, boot camp is mostly a mind-game. Its designed to tear-down your civilian self and replace it with a military soldier (sailor, marine, airman).Read everything you can about the military service youre going into. The more you learn before-hand, the less youll have to learn in boot camp (where youll be tested).And work out. Do not think it is the job of the military instructors to get you in shape. If you show up out of shape, you will likely fail the standards or get injured and potentially sent home.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Change Careers Successfully at Any Age

How to Change Careers Successfully at Any AgeHow to Change Careers Successfully at Any AgePeople decide to change careers for many reasons. It could be that someone wants to earn more money, they have a new passion to pursue, or they just need a change.Should you change careers? Sometimes people feel that they are too old to make a career changebut this is not the case. It is not always possible to change professions overnight, but with the right approach, you can change careers at any age.Before making a career change, it is important to carefully evaluate your present work situation and to explore the options you have. It is worth taking time to research the career paths youre interested in and even seeking professional career advice.Remember that your resume is the fruchtwein powerful tool you have to make a career change happen. It is worth spending time perfecting yours using a resume builder. Many people use a functional resume format as they are the ideal career change resume. How to make a career changeHere are some tips on how to change careers. Keep in mind that career changes are generally gradual changes that you need to work towards.Evaluate whats important to youThink about what motivates you, what type of work environment you want to work in, and what youre good at. What parts of your job do you enjoy and what would you change in the workplace? Thinking about these questions will help you make the right choices.Explore different career pathsResearch different careers and brainstorm ideas. Speak with friends and family as they know you best. Its also a good idea to speak to a professional for advice. There is a wealth of resources erreichbar to help identify the right career path for you.Network and utilize your contactsThink if you know anyone who works in the industry youre looking to break into. Theyll be able to give you advice on what you need to do to get where you need. They may also be able to put you in touch with other people in the indus try. The importance of professional networking shouldnt be underestimated which is why you should also look to make and maintain contacts.Gain experience in your free timeFind a way of gaining valuable experience in the industry you want to enter. You can try to spend a few hours a week shadowing a professional or you can offer your skills to charities or local organizations. This is also a good way of finding out if the profession is right for you.Update your skill setIdentify any gaps in your skill set and find a way of learning the necessary skills and knowledge you need to change careers. Try to develop skills in your current job or take some classes. There is an abundance of online courses which you can fit around your job.Write a winning career change resumeIts important to create a resume which focuses on why you are a strong candidate for the profession youre applying for. As chronological resumesfocus on your most recent work experience which is unlikely to be relevant if y oure changing careers, its better to use a functional resume format. Its also important to write a powerful career change cover letter.Functional resumes for changing careerFunctional resumes are also known as skill-based resumes and the focus on abilities rather than experience. It does not comprise of a reverse-chronological list of work experience like chronological resumes.Applicants are able to showcase their most relevant skills for the position theyre applying for and show that they are a strong candidate for the job. They are ideal if you possess many of the key job requirements without having much relevant experience.The key to creating an effective functional resume is to be able to tailor your skills to meet the job requirements for the position youre aiming for. The best way of doing this is to edit your resume for each job application. Many candidates use functional resume templates which allow them to quickly customize their resume.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biography of Leslie Scott - Inventor of Jenga

Biography of Leslie Scott - Inventor of JengaBiography of Leslie Scott - Inventor of JengaIf you love the game of Jenga, you will enjoy learning about the remarkable womanwho invented the game. Biography of Leslie Scott. Scott successfully navigated the male-dominatedtoy business to launch Jenga at the London Toy Fair. However, she would later sign zu sich rights away before annual sales for Jenga soared into the millions. A decision made while still a new entrepreneur and something Scott regrets as Jenga remains the second best-selling game in the world. Her Early Years and Family Life Leslie Scott was born in Africa in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and grew up in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Ghana. Scott was educated in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Oxford. She is fluent in Swahili. Although she now lives primarily in Oxford, England, she still considers Africa her home and maintains a separate home in Laikipia, Kenya. Scott is married and has two children. Timeline of Leslie Scotts Accomp lishments 1983 Scott successfully launched Jenga at the London Toy Fair. 1984 Sara Finch, Arabella Kiszley, and Leslie Scott launch SWIPE. 1985 Scott and Finch design The Great Western Railway Game, published by Gibson Games. 1986 Jenga was relaunched at the Toronto Toy Fair. Then chairman of Hasbro, Alan Hassenfeld, declared, We just have to have it. According to an Oxford Times article, Demolishing the Jenga Myth, ...success across the Atlantic was to be soured by a deal she signed assigning the worldwide rights of Jenga to the Canadian-based brother of an Oxford friend. 1986-1991 Scott and Finch design and publish a wide variety of games as Finch Scott. 1991 Oxford Games Ltd is founded (co-founded by Leslie Scott.) 1986-1998 Scott and Finch designed and published games for the Oxford Games Collection, for Past Times and for many other clients. 1998 Oxford Games Ltd licensed the entire Oxford Games Collection to The Lagoon Games Company to produce and market. Source Oxford Games Ltd Games Invented by Leslie Scott Scott is one of the few professional game designers in the world, and her long list of games include Anagram, Bookworm, Cloister Games, Auction, Jammie Dodg ems, Ex Libris, Flummoxed, Garden Maze, Inns and Taverns, Inspiration, Ludus Romanus, Old Money, Playing Shakespeare, Retro, Tabula, The Great Game of Commette, Rune Stone, Sailors Know, The Bodleian Game, The Celtic Game, The Game of the Raj, The Great Western Railway Game, The Hieroglyphs Game, The Islip Game, Tudor Joust. She also invented the game Jenga. About Jenga Scott is best-known as the creator of Jenga. The games name is based on a Swahili verb meaning to build. Jenga is the second best-selling game in the world. Jenga consists of 54 identical, rectangular blocks that are first stacked in layers of three blocks to build a tower. Players then take turns removing blocks from anywhere under the top layer. The block is then placed on the top layer. The game continues until the t ower (or any portion thereof) falls. The last player who successfully moved a block before the tower fell is the winner.